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Full training                                 6 hours per week                        $950 per month

Developing Youngsters                3 hours per week                        $750 per month



       Kimmy has spent over two decades training a broad spectrum of horses, from babies to well seasoned.  From developing competition horses who thrive in the dressage arena, cross-country course and hunter-jumper ring, tune ups for family trail and 4H horses, allowing young horses to develop confidence in a consistent routine where the rules are made clear, she practices common sense horsemanship to bring out the best in all horses in her charge.

       Though success in the show ring was initially perceived to be the main goal, she learned early on that it was much more important for both horse and rider to leave a competition in one piece, confident and eager for their next opportunity in the saddle. Allowing a horse to move up the levels in it's own time sets the foundation for years of success and soundness, ensuring a safe, confident mount. In order for a horse to be good at it's job, it must have a clear understanding of what's expected, and  legitimately want to please it's rider. This means that when the horse offers the desired response, it must be rewarded, while the incorrect response must be fairly and immediately re-stated to offer them the chance to understand what is being asked of them. Two lessons per week are included in training fee, however for those that are unable to make it out twice a week, one or both can be substituted for an additional session with Kimmy.

       Young horses not yet ready to be started under saddle will greatly benefit from our "Developing Babies" program (DB). Those in DB are offered daily handling, addressing life skills such as safe leading, standing, cross-tying, bathing, clipping, loading, picking up feet and blanketing.  DB is an excellent way to offer your baby a head start by instilling good manners and confidence from the very beginning. 

       Full care board is included for all horses in training, providing a custom meal plan, daily turnout, blanketing, standing for the vet/farrier and and 24/7 on site management. An open door policy provides peace of mind for owners, so clients can feel free to drop in whenever.

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Harmony Farms

Improvement through dressage for all breeds